Septic System Life Savers

Acreage Development Systems (ADS) has been more than 30 years experience meeting the needs of developers with an interest in obtaining the services of a quality contractor who puts quality over cost. The family owned and operated ADS is a full-service acreage development contractor who has spent decades building drivewaysexcavating basementsinstalling water systems and bringing our expertise in septic systems to clients of all types.


Septic System Installation

For rural and urban customers

Where does it go?

Buried underground, the exact depth at which the septic system is placed can vary from one plot of land to another. Despite the depth, a septic system installation is a large job that requires expertise in the designinstallation and maintenance. The experts at ADS have been installing septic systems for decades and can walk you through every step of the process which is custom tailored to the needs of every client.

ADS Design, builds and Installs Septic Systems Just For You

Whether you are a land owner, individual looking to develop an acreage, a farmer, a contractor or a large project planner, ADS will come to the site, perform an in-depth analysis of the land and determine what type of septic system, installation and maintenance plan is right for you. Don’t think we can’t handle it or that a septic system isn’t right for your property. Let us make that determination. ADS will tell you what you need, the best location and evaluate the usage needs for the system. We will draft an expert estimate that will ensure the septic system is tailored to your exact needs while maintaining the highest quality standard in the septic industry. It’s those high standards that we set for ourselves and our clients that make ADS a true industry leader

We Won’t Leave you High but we Will Leave You Dry

ADS doesn’t pick it up our equipment after the install and part ways with our customers. For many of our clients we have a long standing relationship where we come regularly and help them maintain their septic system tank for years. We place you on a maintenance schedule that’s suitable for the needs of the system to operate at its peak efficiency throughout the system’s entire life. Some tanks can hold up to three years of scum and sludge but every system is different and should be treated as such. Older systems may need cleaning and frequent maintenance because codes and sizing criteria has changed over the years.


Whether we did the install or not for your septic system, we are here to help keep it running for you the way you need to. No gumboots required in your basement on our watch. We will sit down with you and talk over options that maintain the delicate balance between practicality and purpose for our clients.

What’s that Smell?

The only mistake our clients can make is to not contact ADS before deciding on any other septic system provider. The choice is clear once you hear our expert design, installation and maintenance plans. We walk you through the process that will help you understand why a job such as a septic system needs to be done right the first time. The consequences of not doing it right the first time can set development projects back and force you to miss deadlines. When a septic system is installed improperly it can back up into a home, seep up and bubble on the front lawn. It can ruin lawns and create a more than unpleasant odor if not taken seriously by an installer or maintenance professional. Tell us more about your project. Don’t let this happen to you. Be smart the first time and choose a quality installer. ADS is no amateur in the septic system game. We’ve seen every mess big and small and are often the team called in to fix septic systems that were improperly installed the first time around.

Place Quality over Quantity


The professionals at ADS have been designing, installing and maintaining septic tanks and systems for more than 30 years. We aren’t the best because we are the cheapest. We are the best and maintain our reputation by putting quality over cost. A septic system is a long-term investment that takes skill, craftsmanship and expertise to install right the first time. The other guys might be cheaper, but they sure aren’t better. We live and service the same areas of this country we call home. The needs of rural Alberta depend on someone who has their finger on the pulse of what we do every day.

 Tell us more about your project. Then lets us tell you how to do it right the first time with ADS.


Have questions? Here are some answers.

We have “Solution” in our name for a reason – we help with your ruggedest dirt work. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for here, we can still help you.

How much does a septic system cost?

Tough one to answer!  Here’s why … Every site is different, even in a small subdivision each lot is going to have different soils and the soil determines the majority about what type of system can be installed.  Other things that affect cost of a system … How big is your house?  What fixture units are included?  What is the lay of the land on your site?  What future plans do you have for the site?  And the list goes on!!

It’s like asking “how much does a vehicle cost?”  Until we have all the details it’s just a guess

How about giving ADS a call?  We’ll ask all the right questions to make sure we have all the information in order to help you properly and professionally!

How do I know what system I need?

It’s simple really…!  All you need to do is register for a rigorous installers course, take an intensive soils seminar and spend years figuring out the correlation between montmorillonite, clay, peds and carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand…or…how about we just do it for you??

In all seriousness, designing a septic system has become a very detailed and comprehensive procedure.  There are strict guidelines that need to be adhered to and designs can be 80 pages long if the conditions of the site warrant it.

At ADS we want to make this process easier for you rather than harder so let us come and have a look and help you out with your questions.  For more information click on the “designer” tab under septic at the top.

What about garburators?

They are typically very hard on septic systems! They increase the biological loading of the system substantially causing the system to perform poorly and in some cases fail! However, if (and only if) the system has been designed with a garburator in mind, they can be incorporated.

How often do I need to pump my septic tank?

The best way to answer this question is to have ADS come clean your tank and we’ll put you on a suitable schedule for your particular needs.  Newer designed tanks are designed to hold up to 3 years of scum/sludge accumulation but your specific use can alter that timeline. If your tank is older or if your home has expanded, then that schedule could be as frequent as every few months. Call us now to set up an appointment!

What can I put down my drain?

Any organic mater that would normally go down a drain such as hand wash water, laundry water, dish water and toilet water.

You should not put any inorganic liquids down the drain, like bleaches, paints, chemicals, petrochemicals or solvents of any type.

You should also never put anything solid that does not decompose down your drain, like feminine products, prophylactics, toys, garbage, any plastic/wrappers, cigarette butts, coffee grounds or facial wipes.

There are products on the market now that claim to be “Flushable”.  Most of this is sales propaganda and these products should DEFINITELY NOT BE FLUSHED INTO A SEPTIC SYSTEM.

Should the back wash from my water treatment unit go into the septic system?

NO! All brine and flush water from softeners, iron filters, RO units, green sand filters and any other type of water treating mechanism should be diverted AWAY from the septic. Some of the back wash from these units can be very harmful to the biological action in a septic tank, disrupting its natural cycle. Also, many RO units can discharge 4 times as much back wash as they produce in clean water causing a huge increase in hydraulic loading on the system. If (and only if) the system has been designed for the water treatment unit it can be “considered”.

Do you replace pumps?

Of course!! We have several in stock but have access to every kind of pump made!

What do I do if I have a frozen line?

Call us!  We have a steamer for that!  ADS is a full-service septic company equipped with top quality industry tools for all aspects of septic install and repair.

How many types of septic failures are there?

Strangely enough there are several types of septic failures, some you can see and some you can’t.

The most common is if there is a backup and you have sewage in your basement.  This will also trigger an alarm so you should see and hear this type.

The next type is, if the tank is improperly used (too much water usage, too many chemicals down the drain or water leaking into the tank).   This can prevent the tank from separating the solids from the liquids properly and solids can be carried out to the septic field.  This will result in plugging up pores of the soil, ending up with a prematurely failed field.

Another common failure is when the septic field is saturated from to much use or the system is old and has served its time.  You may see pooling of effluent on the ground.  It’s very common for people to mistake this failure as a spring or something seasonal as the amount of fluid coming to surface can fluctuate making it somewhat tricky to trouble shoot. Always have suspicious “puddles” checked out by a professional.

One common but hard to spot failure is when the septic field was installed in an area with porous earth (gravel, sand, pit run) and the sewage doesn’t have enough time for proper treatment and there is untreated sewage entering the water table underground.  This is why you need to hire a trustworthy installer that you can count on to do a quality installation.

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